Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17th, 2011

Welcome to my Journey.  I think this blogging thing may be more of a therapeutic way for me to keep myself accountable than entertainment for readers.  Will anyone really read this thing anyway? 
Probably not, but that’s ok. Most people decide to start a new journey New Years Day…not me—today is MLK day.  The way I see it I’m now 17 days behind the curve.  You may be thinking to yourself, “self” (I can’t remember where that comes from but it makes me giggle every time), where is this journey taking us anyways? I can’t say that I really know, but I’m sure I’ll circle us back around or take a few detours on our way to our destination.  I want to just be the person I envision myself being…you know: organized, healthy, not fat, content, relaxed, etc.  You could say I want to be at optimal performance at all times—is that really even possible?  Maybe that’s what I’ll discover on this ride.  
Through my health insurance, I now have my own personal nurse, Penny who is assigned to be my health coach on my road to fitness.  Truth probably is more like “my road to costing Humana less money in the long run” by them assigning Penny to my case.  Nurse Penny so gently informed me that in order for not to be considered “obese” I’d need to lose about xx pounds…sheesh Penny we just met, could you give me a minute before jump in so abruptly?  Now, part of the program is that Penny will contact me at least 4 times a year, but being the kind person I am we will now be speaking 6 times a yearJ  I suppose now is a good a time as any to start focusing on losing weight.  Randy has been working in Dayton for the past few weeks and I’ve kept myself busy by either working late (and then consequently stressing myself out on how I could possibly flex some of the time out), shopping, or solely keeping redbox/Netflix in business.  None of those things have been burning many calories…unless you consider the sweat I may break carrying things around in the store or trying on slimming camis in the dressing room. It’s time to be productive. A few ideas I have going are A) boxing in the basement (I don’t like to go down there by myself though so that may be a deterrent) B) doing Kettle ball workout (there’s not a lot of room in the living room  or C) joining a gym to do spinning or use the cardio stuff (I don’t really want to spend any more money or commit to a contract until I show I am going to stick with something). Did I seriously just find a reason I don’t want to do any of these options? I joined the Biggest Loser at work, but I’ve lost weight before to win the contest…I need to just focus on really making it…dare I say the cliché…”lifestyle change”.  Weighing in tonight….xxx
Today I also bought some skinny hangers and baskets in attempt to keep things more organized.  I love how my dresses are already looking on the pink hangers.  I may need to create room in the budget each month for a new package.  Sadly, I think we’d break the bank if I purchased enough hangers at once to fill my closet….maybe I’ll do some purging in my attempt to be organized.  If only I had a little OCD in me, but no, not really any. Maybe it’s more discipline that I need. 
I’m really missing the hubs tonight.  I’ll get to see him Wednesday though and then again this weekend—yay!! Friday is his birthday and then he’ll be coming home on Saturday.  I’m going to go up on Friday..I can’t imagine not at least seeing him on his special day!

Well…enough for my first night of blogging.  We’ll see how my journey goes tomorrow! Night Night

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